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Current Release: v0.8.0 Development: TBD

last website update: October 22, 2014

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Version 0.8.0 released (October 22, 2014)
The Xtreme Media Player Team is proud to announce that version 0.8.0 is now out!
After some time of inactivity, we are back with a brand new release that includes many new and improved visualizations that you can now enjoy while listening your favorite audio tracks.
Please check the changelog for more information.

Important: The project source code is now hosted on Bitbucket. Please follow us there for more news and updates.

Version 0.7.0 released (September 12, 2011)
After months of development, version 0.7.0 is out!
The complete changelog is available along with the download links, so enjoy it!

As always the development team is open to new contributions, feature requests, bug reports, translations, so there is multiple ways for you to get in touch and help us building the future of media players.

Version 0.6.6 released (October 23, 2010)
The Xtreme Media Player Project is proud to announce the immediate availability of version 0.6.6. This update brings a lot of improvements and bugfixes making XtremeMP more and more suitable for a fast and efficient use:

  • Audio engine has known several performance improvements making it faster a lot in switching from a track to another, along with some fine tuning related to PulseAudio that linuxians will like
  • XtremeMP now includes several playing modes, letting you listen your music exactly as you want when you want, with a very powerful random mode keeping trace of your previously played tracks
  • The graphical UI also gained animations and special effects, making it more fun and joyful and the new visualization engine is way faster and reliable
  • XtremeMP devel team keeps thinking about powerusers : you'll enjoy shortcuts everywhere for everything like the use of ctrl+↓ and ctrl+↑ to select playlist items in combination with alt+↓ and alt+↑ to move them without even moving your mouse

The complete changelog is available along with the download link, enjoy!

Version 0.6.5 released (February 7, 2010)
Version 0.6.5 is finally released. This version includes multilanguage and multiskin support along with many, many other improvements and bugfixes. Users who can't wait and want to try latest development builds can checkout the SVN project repository. Help is need for translations in many other languages.

Special thanks to the new team member rom1dep for its precious work and all users who gives us feedback while using xtrememp.

See the changelog for a detailed summary of the changes.

Development Diary (March 21, 2009)
Version 0.6.5 is currently under development and will include many changes.

Summary of changes (under progress):
  • code cleanup
  • updating the visualization system in order to better visualize audio data by improving accuracy and performance
  • incresse the audio buffer size in the player engine in order to prevent pauses when the CPU is working too much
  • regression - sometimes when seeking an mp3 audio file the player stops and begin to play the next track in the playlist (introduced in v0.6.2)
  • some user interface changes
  • other changes and bug fixes

Version 0.6.3 released (January 31, 2009)
This is primarily a bug-fix release to significantly improve stability and usability by using less the CPU and paying attention on using system resources, but includes some new features too. The main new feature is the Preferences dialog that let the user to customize the entire application. For now only few options where implemented (change the language, change the skin, enable or disable automatic updates at startup, change the cache directory that by default is the home user directory). But the most important one is is the having the possibility now to choose the audio playback device (mixer) in the audio settings. For users that want to use xtrememp as a portable application (on a USB device for example) I suggest to extract the content of the binary release and than change the cache directory to the same folder. If any bug is found send me an email or use the tracker by also attaching the log file located in the cache directory "xtrememp.log" in order to better understand where the problem is and try fixing it in less time possible. I will continue to add more useful options to the preferences dialog but also like the idea to let the user decide what they want, so feel free to contact me. Stay tuned.

See the changelog for a detailed summary of the changes.

Version 0.6.2 released (December 5, 2008)
Another micro release that includes many bug fixes and improvements. See the changelog for a detailed summary of the changes.
This release also includes some bugfixes for the Linux Platform (related to playlist loading and drag and drop support) and for the first time xtrememp is now distributed as a debian package. The deb package is under beta state and is tested for now only on Ubuntu Linux. Feedback is really appreciated (by sending an email).
The Windows Installer Package is currently under development and will released in future versions.

Version 0.6.1 released (November 15, 2008)
This release include many bug fixes and improvements. See the changelog for a detailed summary of the changes.

Mailing List (21/10/2008)
Subscribe to xtrememp-newsletter to remain informed about new releases and xtrememp related news.

Version 0.6.0 released (October 17, 2008)
Finally the version 0.6.0 is out. In this release mostly of the source files were rewritten in order to fix bugs and support the new upcoming features.

Summary of changes:
  • playlist files are loaded in a seperate thread in order to make the user interface more responsive
  • the current song title is retrieved while playing SHOUTcast streaming radios
  • the audio engine can detect the playback devices installed on the system
  • user interface improvements: volume controller, status bar, search widget
  • added a busy label (north-east of the main frame) indicating the playlist is loading
  • other minor changes and bug fixes
  • updated some libraries to their latest versions

Along the other improvements were added a new feature, the Software Update. For now it check for updates on user request by going on 'Help' menu and clicking 'Check for updates...'. Some of the features already used in early version were removed in oder to reimplement them. I want to thank everyone who support this project by downloading and using it. Help and ideas are really appreciated.

Version 0.6.0 beta 3 released (June 16, 2008)
This is mainly a bugfix release. Special thanks to our users for their feedback and support in fixing bugs and proposing new features. There are still some known bugs that will be fixed in the next releases.

Summary of changes:
  • fixed some bugs relating to adding audio files to the playlist
  • fixed a bug while removing items from the playlist
  • fixed some visual issues
  • improved audio engine
  • other minor changes
  • updated some libraries to their latest versions
Changes to be applied in the next versions:
  • bug fix
  • implement a preferences window in order to set up the program
  • add multilanguage support
  • more improvements to the audio engine
  • improvements on getting audio tag information (retrieve them from internet if an "Internet Connection" is available)
  • playlist items sorting (by title, by album, by artist, by genere, etc...)
  • new visualization and effects

Version 0.6.0 beta 2 released (May 2, 2008)
A lot of bug has been fixed and minor changes have been applied since the last release. The XSPF playlist format is now supported for saving or loading playlists. Also added seeking support for vorbis ogg audio format. Special thanks to the author and developer of Substance for changes applied to the project source code relative to Substance 5.0 new API.

Version 0.6.0 beta 1 released (April 25, 2008)
Try the new features early on the first beta release of version 0.6.0.

Waiting version 0.6.0 (April 22, 2008)
Great new features in the upcoming version of <Xtreme Media Player>. See the changelog for a detailed summary of the changes. The project changelog will be updated in the following weeks.

Version 0.5.2 released (April 3, 2008)
This is a double release. Source code released too.

Version 0.5.1 released (March 27, 2008)
First public release is ready for download. Source code will be available soon.

Project website online (March 19, 2008)
Project xtrememp now hosted at Sourceforge.


Features (v0.8.0)



  • read general tag info from diferent audio formats (title, artist , album, genre, track number, year, comments)
  • read specific tag info depending on the audio format
  • retrieve current song title from shoutcast streaming radios


  • player control panel (play/pause, stop, previous, next, volume controls)
  • different playing modes (repeat none, repeat track, repeat playlist, shuffle)
  • playlist manager with drag and drop support
  • multilanguage support (English, Français, Italiano, Spanish, Portuguese)
  • skinnable interface
  • swing based graphical interface
  • keyboard shortcuts
  • interaction with Microsoft Intellitype commands (Windows only)


  • full spectrum
  • white full spectrum
  • quarter spectrum
  • white quarter spectrum
  • full spectrogram
  • full color spectrogram
  • quarter spectrogram
  • quarter color spectrogram
  • piano roll
  • spectrum bars
  • volume meter
  • stereograph
  • simple oscilloscope
  • stereo oscilloscope
  • oscilloscope lines
  • waveform
  • stereo waveform
  • water balloons


  • auto-update on application startup or at user request
Valid XSPF Playlist


in version 0.8.0 (October 22, 2014)
  • NEW - Added "Full Spectrum" visualization
  • NEW - Added "White Full Spectrum" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Quarter Spectrum" visualization
  • NEW - Added "White Quarter Spectrum" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Full Color Spectrogram" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Quarter Spectrogram" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Quarter Color Spectrogram" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Piano Roll" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Stereograph" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Simple Oscilloscope" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Stereo Oscilloscope" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Oscilloscope Lines" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Stereo Waveform" visualization
  • NEW - Added "Water Balloons" visualization
  • NEW - Added Portuguese locale (Português)
  • IMPROVED - Complete redesign of most parts of visualization module
  • IMPROVED - Visualization "Spectrum Bars" now shows a 32-bar graphic spectrum analyzer
  • IMPROVED - Visualization "Waveform" is now more colorful
  • UPDATED - Visualization "Spectrogram" renamed to "Full Spectrogram"
  • UPDATED - Most of the libraries updated to their latest version
  • FIXED - Lots bugfixes and other improvements
in version 0.7.0 (September 12, 2011)
  • NEW - Windows Installer with single instance support
  • NEW - User can sort the playlist by the track number, track title, track duration, track artist, track album, track genre
  • NEW - Select which playlist columns to display by right clicking on the new playlist table header
  • NEW - Change the order of the playlist columns by dragging them with the mouse
  • NEW - Added Spanish locale (Español)
  • NEW - Added keyboard shotcuts to change visualization (Shft+Left, Shift+Right in window mode; Left, Right in fulscreen mode)
  • IMPROVED - Fork MPEG, VORBIS and FLAC decoders in order to provide more up-to-date audio decoders
  • IMPROVED - Playlist API was redisigned to support sorting and filtering features
  • IMPROVED - A newer implementation for the Audio Visualization System. This update also fixes some issues in fullscreen mode
  • IMPROVED - Faster reading of tag data from different audio formats
  • IMPROVED - Change the playing mode by clicking on the icon in the bottom left corner of the main frame
  • IMPROVED - Extend the search filtering to standard tags (track number, title, artist, album, genre)
  • IMPROVED - Make use of the new standard definition of byte unit multiples. For example use KiB (kibibyte) instead of KB (kilobyte), MiB (mebibyte) instead of MB (megabyte), GiB (gibibyte) instead of GB (gigabyte)
  • UPDATED - Update Playing Mode icons
  • UPDATED - Most of the libraries updated to their latest version
  • FIXED - Lots bugfixes and improvements
in version 0.6.6 (October 23, 2010)
  • NEW - Implemented the PlayingMode feature (Repeat None, Repeat Track, Repeat Playlist, Shuffle)
  • NEW - A status icon on the status bar (bottom left) shows the current selected playing mode
  • NEW - Users can now enable or disable some UI effects from the Preferences Dialog
  • NEW - Use background and foreground colors related to current selected SKIN and use them on Visualization Components
  • NEW - Replace LOG4J with Logback API for better logging system
  • IMPROVED - Audio engine is faster on switching between playlist items
  • IMPROVED - DSP system and related Visualization classes
  • IMPROVED - Data normaliser used by spectrum analysers supports more PCM raw audio data formats
  • IMPROVED - Accuracy of FFT for spectrum analysers
  • IMPROVED - Search text field implementation
  • UPDATED - Most of the libraries updated to their latest version
  • FIXED - Audio engine deadlock on first loaded audio stream
  • FIXED - Audio engine behavior and stability in relation with PulseAudio sound system on the Linux Platform
  • FIXED - Fix codec details text positioning on the MediaInfo dialog
  • FIXED - Lots bugfixes and improvements
in version 0.6.5 (February 7, 2010)
  • NEW - User interface changes and improvements
  • NEW - Jintellitype library update (v1.3.3) added JIntellitype64.dll for 64 bit JRE's
  • NEW - Implemented multilanguage support and translating in 2 other languages (Français, Italiano)
  • NEW - Implemented multiskin (multitheme) support. Select your favorite one from the Preferences Dialog
  • IMPROVED - Most of the code has been rewritten for a better Object Oriented Design
  • IMPROVED - Faster seeking support
  • IMPROVED - Accuracy and performance of Visualization System
  • REWORKED - Software Update for better user interaction
  • UPDATED - Dark Sapphire skin is refreshed and set as the default skin
  • UPDATED - Most of the libraries updated to their latest version
  • FIXED - Audio engine properly closes the audio stream when seeking the song
  • FIXED - Audio engine no more fails to open mpeg audio files with album arts
  • FIXED - Incresse the audio buffer size in the player engine in order to prevent pauses when the CPU is working too much
  • FIXED - Continue playing the selected track after the entire playlist is loaded on application startup
  • FIXED - Windows launcher (xtrememp.exe) now support x64 platform
  • FIXED - Other bugfixes and improvements (many of them)
in version 0.6.3 (January, 31, 2009)
  • NEW - Implementing a preferences dialog in order te set up application settings
  • NEW - Using both SLF4J and LOG4J API for better logging and save application logs in a file
  • IMPROVED - Audio engine to make it more stable and paying attention on using system resources
  • IMPROVED - Performance gains to the visualization system
  • IMPROVED - Seek slider to better respond to mouse input
  • REWORKED - Software Update for better user interaction
  • REWORKED - The DSP signal processor API
  • UPDATED - Application skin (layout gaps and sizes are now correct on Linux)
  • FIXED - A bug in fullscreen mode on the Linux platform (when 3D effects are enabled)
  • FIXED - Various bugfixes and improvements
in version 0.6.2 (December 5, 2008)
  • REWORKED - The logging system now use SLF4J API
  • NEW - xtrememp is now distributed as a debian package
  • IMPROVED - The DSP signal processor
  • IMPROVED - The playlist loading support for the PLS format
  • IMPROVED - The audio engine seeking support for the MP3 format (excpecially for big files)
  • UPDATED - Updated some libraries to their latest available version
  • FIXED - Drag and Drop support on Linux
  • FIXED - Some serious bugs in the audio engine
  • FIXED - Some bugs in the PlaylistIO loader
  • FIXED - Various bugfixes and other improvements
in version 0.6.1 (November 15, 2008)
  • REWORKED - Software Update is scheduled to automatically check for updates on application startup.
  • REWORKED - Media Information Dialog has been rewritten using MiGLayout
  • NEW - View visualizations in fullscreen mode
  • IMPROVED - The audio engine now use java.util.concurrent.locks API
  • IMPROVED - The user interface is updated while playlist is loading
  • FIXED - In version 0.6.0 application does not exit from File->Exit menu
  • FIXED - Various bugfixes and other improvements
in version 0.6.0 (October 17, 2008)
  • REWORKED - Some source files were rewritten in order to fix bugs and support the new upcoming features
  • REWORKED - Changes have been made to the audio engine (to fix some issues in Linux platform)
  • REWORKED - Implemented the new Playlist Manager
  • NEW - Added Software Update support
  • NEW - Added a busy label (north-east of the main frame) indicating that the playlist is loading
  • NEW - Added seek support for vorbis ogg audio format
  • NEW - Added support for XSPF playlist format and setted as the default format to save the current playlist when application exits.
  • NEW - Instantaneous search support for the playlist
  • NEW - Multiselection support for the playlist (move / remove all selected items)
  • NEW - Move up and down selected items in the playlist
  • NEW - Toolbar buttons in the Playlist Manager for opening a new playlist, saving existing playlist, adding files of directories to the playlist, removing all selected items from the playlist, clear existing playlist, moving up and down selected items from the playlist
  • NEW - The current song title is retrieved while playing shoutcast streaming radios
  • UPDATED - Application skin
  • UPDATED - Removed some libraries that are not especially needed for now
  • UPDATED - Faster startup (all playlist files are loaded in a seperate thread)
  • FIXED - Drag and Drop support into the playlist
  • FIXED - A lot of bugs
in version 0.5.2 (April 3, 2008)
  • NEW - Upgraded substance library form version 4.2 to 4.3RC
  • UPDATED - Wafeform visualization
  • UPDATED - Skin for better view
  • FIXED - Song length view in the playlist
  • FIXED - Stereo Scope visulaization
in version 0.5.1 (March 27, 2008)
  • NEW - Upgraded jFLAC library form version 1.2 to 1.3
  • UPDATED - Code cleaned up
  • FIXED - Improved read support for m3u, pls playlist formats
  • FIXED - Minor bugs


Playlist Spectrum Bars Full Spectrum
Quarter Spectrum Full Color Spectrogram Quarter Color Spectrogram
PianoRoll Stereograph Oscilloscope Lines
Waveform Stereo Waveform Preferences Dialog


The latest Java Runtime Environment is required (JRE 6 or greater).
Click here to download it.


Xtreme Media Player is licensed under GPLv2 (GNU General Public License version 2).

If you have a specific bug, feature, or issue to discuss, then please visit the project development website on Bitbucket.
If you would like to be involved in development please send an email to request a role within the project.


  • Substance a beautiful Java look and feel.
  • SwingX all about Swing components.
  • MiGLayout makes complex layouts easy and normal layouts one-liners.
  • Jaudiotagger an audio tagging library.
  • MP3SPI a Java Service Provider Interface that adds MP3 (MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3) audio format support for Java Platform.
  • VorbisSPI a Java Service Provider Interface that adds OGG Vorbis audio format support to Java platform.
  • jFlac a port of the (FLAC) library to Java.
  • JIntellitype a Java API for interacting with Microsoft Intellitype commands.
  • dom4j an easy to use, open source library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java platform using the Java Collections Framework and with full support for DOM, SAX and JAXP.
  • SLF4J is intended to serve as a simple facade for various logging APIs allowing to the end-user to plug in the desired implementation at deployment time.
  • Logback is intended as a successor to the popular log4j project.

© 2005 - 2025 Xtreme Media Player Project by Besmir Beqiri All Rights Reserved